Validation versus Certainty
If we crave
external validation
then we are still
Mind Vacuum
The mind
abhors a vacuum
Scoop it out
and it will
like sand, refill
For me Love is a
contaminated word
I will use Mu instead
For me Mu is a
transcenditive verb
beyond subject
and object
Every atom
Every galaxy
is Awareable
The Constellation of Time
Once we stop
connecting the dots
We discover that
they are but dots
(dimensionless points
aka pointed nothings)
Or stars—
for are not
the constellations
our connecting
stellar dots?
The most amazing
some go so far
as to say vicious
sleight of dots
is our connecting
this now with
this very same now
in stitching
this constellation
we call time
Our biggest barrier
to climb
is our conviction
that we cannot
A wise man said—
Even if I could
I would not tell you
or attempt to describe
Rather, I will tell
how to seek
how to intuit
how to aware
Truth for yourself
Rather, I will tell you
how to see
how to know
Truth for yourself
All other telling is
Wishful Thinking
That is just
wishful thinking—
Then again
wishful thinking
Ego and Mind are
if not identical twins
then at least siblings
Dress Rehearsal
Awakening is like
a dress rehearsal
for death—
It gives you like
a dry run at it
It’s die before you die
so you can truly live
The Nature of Ego
Ego is clearly
not your self
It is just a verb
Waking Up
Life is a dream
that’s near enough
impossible to
awaken from
Not impossible
mind you
just near enough
while dream gluttony
consume us to death
A Fatal Balance
There was enough
truth in what he said
to reach my heart
There were enough
lies in what he said
to poison it
You are not the size
of your head
You are the size
of your notion of your size
You can be the size
of an atom, just like that
You can be the size
of the Universe as easily
When you are the Universe
seventy billion light years
is but the distance between
thumb and forefinger
Accident Prone
Enlightenment is
often accidental
Meditation makes you
accident prone
I Want To Write
A poem so fine
so true, so great
It’s very words
A Solemn Vow
This is my promise
to self—
If I have nothing to say
I will say nothing
My Upanishad
The Atman Song
Play me Oh, Brahman
I am your instrument
Please play me
true and fair
Your Silence
There is a language so
beautiful that it is never spoken
There is a deep sort of silence
that may never adequately
fall into words
That, I tell you, is more valuable
than any jewel
or any diamond
—Meister Eckhart
The Carrot
Of course sex
is a carrot
not a stick
or the species
would die out
Or we would
never engage
in activity
so ridiculous
Definition of Ego
Atman keeping
Brahman at bay
is the definition
of Ego
Homo Hubris
The hubris of Man
as spawned
by Nature—
We know “better”
than Nature
I strive to
my body
to transparent it
to fade it
Direct Experience
Direct Experience
is simply
the unfiltered
the unaltered
One could even say
the mindless
without its
True Stillness
There is no stillness
quite as still
as just being
In Stillness—
the Unknowable
In Meditation
Says the Sage
Be empty and desireless
cold and thin
simple and genuine
Not only are you outside
you are the outside
Why then this foolish dream
that you can only reach
the outside from inside
Let go the inside and its
trillion little traps—
You will find yourself
outsider than you
ever dreamed of
I shall simplify
myself away
Body at ease
is called at rest
Mind at ease
is called at peace
Recognizing Truth
Said the Buddha—
He who is concentrated
through meditation
sees reality as it
really is
Recognizing truth
Recognizing lies
What could be more
important in today’s
disinformation climate?
About Ceasing
One thing you can
never cease
is your true Self
Awareness of form
Awareness of feeling
Awareness of mind
Awareness of phenomena
That is the Buddha’s path
“Make tea, not war.”
—Bertrand Russell
Saving the World
I will save the world
by being as good
as ever pure
as can be
So Fatally Human
Fatally Human—
Impervious to logic
pervious to greed
Impervious to love
pervious to hate
After a lifetime
of scouring
the world for
eye to eye
I have found two
who complement
each other
beautifully and
Adya and Wolfe
Hat Bonanza
Had Harris won
sales of new
MAGA hats
would have gone
70 million overnight
to confuse the MAGA
faithful about
whom to shoot
Absorptive Jhana
Another word
for absorption
is trance
Another word
for trance
is oblivion
Intention is Karma
Of course
Karma is Intention—
Intention creates
Effects lag behind
sometimes nanoseconds
sometimes centuries